Posts tagged with vuex
Instance-Aware Vuex Modules - Part 3
Note: This is part 3 of a 3-part series on "Instance Aware Vuex Modules". In Part 1 we covered a basic introduction to Vuex and the use of namespaced modules. In Part 2 we covered the usage of dynamic route-based Vuex modules, the issues with
helpers, and how we can work around them with our ownmapInstance*
helpers methods. In this post, we'll explore other opportunities where instance-aware Vuex modules can help us.Instance-Aware Vuex Modules - Part 2
Note: This is part 2 of a 3-part series on "Instance Aware Vuex Modules". In Part 1 we covered a basic introduction to Vuex and the use of namespaced modules. In this post, we'll explore using dynamically-namespaced Vuex modules alongside dynamic routes in vue-router, and some interesting challenges presented.
Instance-Aware Vuex Modules - Part 1
Vuex is a great state-management tool provided by the Vue core team. It's especially useful in server-side rendered (SSR) applications as a mechanism to send the server-side state up to the client for the app hydration process. In this post, we'll look at some of the basics of Vuex and how we can use namespaced modules to isolate our logic into small, targeted modules.